Monday, 6 April 2015

Sunday, 5 April 2015

BesT FrienDs

"A real friend is like an angel who warms you by her presence and remembers you in her prayers."

AcTioN KaMeeN .... ! Ho Ho Ho

Best friends won't do everything for you, they'll do what's best for you.

Christmas Eve

I hear it's offensive to say Merry Christmas? Well if it bothers you then...Merry Christmas and Merry Christmas again! :P

RajaT Rj

Keep talking about me behind my back.. and watch God keep blessing me in front of your face.

Sachin NirWaL

my mother may have given me my attitude, but life has taught me how to use it!!


Don't confuse my smile for liking you. It's like a kid's smile...It only means I know what I did and you haven't figured it out yet.


Sometimes it's not about how good you look in a photo, but the memories that surround them


Tanuj Tj

Sometimes it takes finding the right person that compliments your life to find the real person inside you have always wanted to be <3